Quarterly Note - Velie Real Estate Foundation Announcement


No one really knows to what extent COVID-19 will affect the Real Estate Market. 

Frankly, we are in somewhat uncharted waters. There are no shortages of opinions and predictions. In all that we have read, there are two summary quotes that ring true to us. Moody’s Analytics stated: “State economies most reliant on tourism are likely to be the hardest hit by the coronavirus, followed by states with the highest number of coronavirus infections.” The silver lining in this theory is that Minnesota ranks low on the list of tourism and infections. The second theory is from John  Burns Consulting: “Historical analysis showed us that pandemics are usually V-shaped (sharp recessions that recover quickly enough to provide little damage to home prices) some very cutting-edge search engine analysis…….showed the current slowdown is playing out similarly thus far.”

But for today, the purpose of this newsletter is about something else. It’s about Fear and a way out. Fear is a debilitating emotion. It has the ability to “freeze” a person into seeing only walls with no way forward. During this time of “social distancing” and “shelter at home,” hundreds of thousands of men and women will lose their jobs and the ability to make an income.  While there is Federal help in the amount of $1,200.00 coming to some and loan, rent, and mortgage legislation being wrestled with as I write this letter, it’s not soon enough nor is it simple enough to put money in the hands of our Minnesota neighbors that need it today. That burden combined with trying to stay healthy is something that no one should have to endure. So after listening for weeks about all things that scare us, we decided it was time to break out of the frozen cycle and put something out there that moves us forward.

To that end, we created the Velie Real Estate Foundation. This foundation is a non-profit, 501c3 (application is pending IRS approval) dedicated to disaster relief with our local focus on helping people in the Twin City area with mortgages, rents, and utilities related to Home and Real Estate. 

So what do we need? We need you to help, if possible, with a donation in any amount and/or to send someone to our website that could use the help as their pathway to moving forward.

The Foundation is set up to make payments directly to the mortgage holders, landlords or the service providers on behalf of the recipients to ensure that the money goes to where it is intended.

Please click the link below and take a couple of minutes that can change someone’s life for a couple of months and last for a lifetime.

Watch Foundation Video Here

We will never be able to thank you enough.

With the Utmost appreciation -
Bonnie and Decker Velie


Decker Velie